No, I'm not actually getting published today - that's the title of an
interesting event I went to a few weekends ago as part of Cambridge Wordfest.
Three experts were lined up to speak on the challenges facing aspiring authors:
Jill Dawson, acclaimed
author of seven novels, and founder of Gold Dust, a mentoring scheme pairing
new writers with established ones.
Three experts were lined up to speak on the challenges facing aspiring authors:
Nicola Morgan, author
of many fiction books and the blog ‘Help I Need a Publisher’, which is crammed
full of useful information, plus the odd bit of ‘crabbit’ advice.
Rebecca Swift, a former editor at
Virago, now director of Arts Council-funded leading manuscript assessment service, The Literary Consultancy.
The three
speakers knew their stuff, and the audience befitted from ten
minute slots by each of them, followed by a question and answer session.
Much as you would expect, there were no
miracle answers provided. Publishers will only takes books if they think they
will sell. They are, after all, businesses and about making money. That’s not
to say they don’t love books. They do, but sometimes they will take on the ‘right’
book, as opposed to a ‘good’ book, which is how all those celebs get their ghost
written books out there. For
more on that read this article by Danuta Kean about
why those not so good books can become best-sellers (with some interesting comments).
Publishers dream of a book coming along
which is both right for the market and good writing. We all know that great
books do get published and the message from the three experts was to make your
writing the best it can be, with the hook to convince the sales and marketing team at an
acquisitions meeting that your sales will top the charts, or least make their
advance back. Nicola Morgan has lots of this in her book 'Write to be Published'. Buy it, it makes enlightening reading for someone new to the game, as does this article on howpublishers make decisions.
I found it heartening that they all maintained that good writing is always going to be important and Jill Dawson said that rewriting is an essential part of getting there and should be looked forward to. Rebecca Swift advised writing from the heart, but all three speakers said that if you engage your head at the same time, there are things writers can do to improve their chances of finding an agent and getting published.
I found it heartening that they all maintained that good writing is always going to be important and Jill Dawson said that rewriting is an essential part of getting there and should be looked forward to. Rebecca Swift advised writing from the heart, but all three speakers said that if you engage your head at the same time, there are things writers can do to improve their chances of finding an agent and getting published.
Knowing your genre was seen as vital.
Knowing who is writing what for your target audience will make sure you don’t
try to pitch your novel only to be met with publishers telling you they have exactly
that out there already. It will also help you find the focussed insight that
makes your book different from all the others in the genre, while walking along
the fine tight rope of keeping it similar enough, since publishers apparently want
same but different.
Linked to knowing your genre, was the
advice to research who and what agents are representing before sending your
manuscript to them. Nicola Morgan warned the assembled audience to ‘beware
crappy agents’ and to find out about what clients they have, how successful
they are and what experience they have of the publishing industry.
There was a great deal of advice about
pitching, and since Wordfest I have spent time working on how to pitch my novel
in 25 words, in a short paragraph and in a 2 page synopsis. Indeed, immediately
after the event I purchased Nicola Morgan’s book and downloaded her ebook - 'Write a Great Synopsis'. Trying to showcase
your writing in this way in not easy and needs to be given as much care as
writing your novel. The aim is to achieve something functional enough to show
what happens in the story, but with just the right amount about your characters,
their flaws, motivations and goals, to make someone want to read about them.
A few words of warning were given to those tempted to self-publish via
digital means. While no-one said ‘don’t do it’, they did say that careful
preparation and sound editing were required. It was suggested that the time
might come when publishers would look for an author having an ebook platform
before they would consider them for mainstream publishing. Having the ‘right’ book
out there in a digitally self-published form could improve your chances with
mainstream publishers, but having something poorly produced, with lots of
mistakes, could harm your potential success. Rebecca Swift, will be running a
conference in early June about Writing in a Digital Age, which will cover
the pitfalls of self-publishing ebooks.
All three speakers mentioned the dreaded rejection letters, saying it is
going to happen and you just have to develop thicker skins to that and after,
if you do strike gold and get published, to critical reviews.
So a big pat on the back to Cambridge
Wordfest for organising such an interesting event. It’s proving to be a joy
moving to an area of the country with so much going on for writers. All I need
to do now is find the perfect writing group and the perfect critical partner. I’m
sure they are out there somewhere round here.
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